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Mon-Fri 9:00AM - 6:00AM
Sat - 9:00AM-5:00PM
Sundays by appointment only!





A television screen with the chiller logo on it.

ChyTV HD-mini

Education K1 to K12




Military Facilities

Government Buildings

Waiting Rooms

Corporate Lobbies


Bars, Restaurants and Cafes

Senior Care Facilities

Residential Communities

  (Apartments & Complexes)

Service Providers

  (Lawyers, Accountants, Salons,

    Barbers, Dojos, Dance Studios)


Auto Dealers / Repair Shops

Health Care Providers

  (Doctors, Dentists, Eye Doctors,

   Chiropractors, etc.)

HD Mini

Digital Signage that Packs a Punch for its Small Cost and Size

The HD-mini is a powerful, flexible, customizable graphic engine at a price that won’t break the bank and a size that won’t break the monitor.  It’s a complete graphic electronic sign solution.

Optional: Tablet with DigIt EZEdit application for quick and easy updates and editing.


Product ImageHigh-Definition Video Graphics Solution.

What You Really Need for Effective Video Signage.

Fully compatible with all ChyTV models, the new ChyTV HD-mini High-Definition Video Information Display System makes any public-space television a truly dynamic communicator.

ChyTV HD-mini is small, easy to use, easy to deploy and easy to maintain.

Small, Light, High-Definition Dynamic Video Graphics Solution with Clip Playout, 3D Effects and Landscape and Portrait Modes

Packs a Punch For It’s Size
Easy to use, but hard to ignore, the ChyTV HD-mini gives you a powerful, flexible, customizable graphic engine at a price that won’t break the bank and a size that won’t break the monitor. The HD-mini is not only a media player. It’s a complete graphic electronic sign solution.

Powerful HD Digital Signage
The next revolution in digital signage is here. DigIt Signage Technologies is shaking up the status quo with the ChyTV HD-mini. The ChyTV HD-mini is a powerful graphics solution in a small package. Weighing in at less than 7 ounces and the size of a wallet, the HD-mini packs a real graphics punch with its flexibility. This is not a simple media player. This is a full-featured, multi-layered electronic sign system capable of multiple fields of animated dynamic data, crawls, animated graphic objects, video clips and more. Your graphic content can be driven by a sophisticated schedule, or through a comprehensive application programming interface (API) for which a software developer kit (SDK) is available. The HD-mini easily integrates with a variety of external content sources.

Text and Graphics Image Engine
The ChyTV HD-mini generates crisp HD graphics to any HD capable display via HDMI. The HD-mini utilizes the familiar ChyTV Tools and ChyTV Author utilities to manage the projects and is completely compatible with all existing ChyTV applications. Like all ChyTV products, the HD-mini features the highest quality dynamic text and effects for digital menu boards, even in Portrait display mode.

Easy Integration
The ChyTV electronic sign is easy to configure in a display system or integrated into an existing HD video infrastructure. The graphic and text information coupled with programmable audio clips may be displayed on a single TV screen or broadcast throughout the facility. Easy and intuitive content creation, scheduling, distribution and display of graphic content to digital menu boards, flat panel and television monitors is possible with ChyTV’s dynamic display controller.

Flexible and Reliable
Standard format animations can be imported from various file types such as MPEG clips, GIF, AVI, TGA sequences, etc. All graphic pages can then be scheduled from a simple, intuitive scheduling interface for either automatic looping or date/time playout. Content is transferred to ChyTV via wireless or wired Ethernet connection. This self-contained device is virtually virus-proof, requires no external computer connection and ensures utmost reliability and ease of use.

  • IP Streaming Video support
  • Small, lightweight and cost effective.
  • Layered page elements include video clips, text, graphics and backgrounds
  • Full-screen or windowed HD clips.
  • Dynamic real-time Text and Graphics
  • Landscape and Portrait display modes
  • High-Def via HDMI Self adjusts output automatically via EDID
  • Squeeze and position clip player window, including dynamic transitions
  • Create graphic and text pages using standard applications or supplied templates
  • Dynamic broadcast quality effects such as text pushes, fades and crawls
  • Animated Text, Graphics and Logos using GIF, TGA, MPEG and more
  • Multiple text and graphic zones may be independently sized and positioned
  • Page scheduling, including looping durations or specific day, date and time control
  • External data interfaces for real-time data updates such as news, sports, stock and weather
  • Scalable from individual use for digital menu boards to large-scale enterprise networks
A tv and dvd player with the image of a man in black jacket.

ChyTV HD 100

Education K1 to K12
Military Facilities
Government Buildings
Waiting Rooms
Corporate Lobbies
Bars and Restaurants


HD 100

High Quality, Versatile Digital Signage with Dynamic Animations and Data including unlimited Multi-layering of Text and Graphics

High-Definition Dynamic Digital Signage System with Clip Playout, 3D Text and Objects in Landscape or Portrait Mode, the HD 100 features the highest quality dynamic text, images and effects



Product ImageHigh-Definition Video Graphics Information Display.

What You Really Need for Effective Video Signage.

Fully compatible with all ChyTV models, the new ChyTV HD-mini High-Definition Video Information Display System makes any public-space television a truly dynamic communicator.

ChyTV HD-mini is small, easy to use, easy to deploy and easy to maintain.

High-Definition Dynamic Digital Signage System with Clip Playout, 3D Text and Objects and Portrait Mode

ChyTV HD 100, the latest generation of the popular ChyTV Video Graphics Information Display systems, extends the product line to include High-Definition outputs and clip playout. Ideal for any large-size digital signage, ChyTV HD 100 utilizes the familiar ChyTV Tools utility to manage the projects and is completely compatible with existing ChyTV units. Like all ChyTV products, the HD 100 features the highest quality dynamic text and effects, even in Portrait display mode. The HD 100 also features 3D dynamic text and effects, 3D animated objects and more. Unlike pre-rendered clips that can't be modified, the 3D text can be changed on the fly in real-time using live data.

Text and Graphics Image Engine

The ChyTV HD 100 features an internal MPEG clip player and has the ability to manipulate the video clip either in a window that is surrounded by graphics and text or to superimpose the message over the video background. In addition, full screen graphics can be displayed with dynamic text, logos and animations. A versatile play-list scheduler allows for dynamic programming. The supplied ChyTV Tools user interface allows for direct control of multiple ChyTV HD 100 units. Or, multiple ChyTV HD 100's can be added to the ChyTV.net network for automatic remote content updates.

Easy Integration

The ChyTV system is easy to configure in a display system or integrated into an existing video infrastructure. The graphic and text information coupled with programmable audio clips may be displayed on a single TV screen or broadcast throughout the facility. Easy and intuitive content creation, scheduling, distribution and display of graphic content to flat panel and television monitors is possible with ChyTV's dynamic display controller.

Flexible and Reliable

Standard format animations can be imported from various file types such as GIF, AVI, TGA sequences, etc. All graphic pages can then be scheduled from a simple, intuitive scheduling interface for either automatic looping or date/time playout. Content is transferred to ChyTV via IEEE 1394 Firewire or Ethernet connection. This self-contained device is virtually virus-proof, requires no external computer connection and ensures utmost reliability and ease of use.

  • Dynamic real-time 3D Text and Graphics
  • High-Def outputs include DVI-D and DB15 WXVGA
  • Landscape and Portrait display modes
  • Squeeze and position clip player window, including dynamic transitions (requires HDVC option)
  • Create graphic and text pages using standard applications or supplied templates
  • Dynamic broadcast quality effects such as text pushes, fades and crawls.
  • Animated Text, Graphics and Logos using GIF, TGA, MPEG and more
  • Multiple text and graphic zones may be independently sized, positioned, and layered
  • Page scheduling, including looping durations or specific day, date and time control
  • USB and Ethernet external data interfaces for real-time data updates such as news, sports, stock and weather
  • Scalable from individual use to large-scale enterprise networks
A tv and dvd player with the logo for chitytv digital signage.

ChyTV HD 150

Education K1 to K12
Military Facilities
Government Buildings
Waiting Rooms
Corporate Lobbies
Bars and Restaurants

HD 150

High Quality, Versatile Digital Signage with Live Video Input

High-Definition Dynamic Digital Signage System with Clip Playout, 3D Text and Objects and Portrait Mode, the HD 150 lets you add your messaging to a live video feed either with overlay or squeeze back.


Product ImageHigh-Definition Video Graphics Information Display.

What You Really Need for Effective Video Signage.

Fully compatible with all ChyTV models, the new ChyTV HD 150 High-Definition Video Information Display System makes any public-space television a truly dynamic communicator.

ChyTV HD 150 is easy to use, easy to deploy and easy to maintain.

High-Definition Dynamic Digital Signage System with Clip Playout, 3D Text and Objects and Portrait Mode

ChyTV HD 150, the latest generation of the popular ChyTV Video Graphics Information Display systems, extends the product line to include High-Definition outputs and clip playout along with live SD video.  The HD 150 gives you full control over each element on the page for your digital sign or ad signage.  You can have a full motion HD clip as a background with layered graphics, text and animations on top, along with a live video window of any size and position, or a variety of other arrangements.  Ideal for any large-size digital signage, ChyTV HD 150 video information system utilizes the same ChyTV Tools utilities to manage the projects and is completely compatible with existing ChyTV units.  Like all ChyTV products, the HD 150 features the highest quality dynamic text and effects, even in Portrait display mode.  The HD 150 video information system also features 3D dynamic text and effects, 3D animated objects and more.  Unlike pre-rendered clips that can’t be modified, the 3D text can be changed on the fly in real-time using live data.

Text and Graphics Image Engine
The ChyTV HD 150 features an internal  MPEG clip player and has the ability to manipulate the video clip either in a window that is surrounded by graphics and text or to superimpose the message over the video background.  In addition, full screen graphics can be displayed with dynamic text, logos and animations.  A versatile play-list scheduler allows for dynamic programming.  The supplied ChyTV Tools user interface allows for direct control of the ChyTV HD 150 video information system, or multiple ChyTV HD 150 ’s  can be added to the ChyTV.net server for automatic remote content updates to your digital signage or ad signage.

Easy Integration
The ChyTV video information system is easy to configure in a display system or integrated into an existing HD video infrastructure.  The graphic and text information coupled with programmable audio clips may be displayed on a single TV screen or broadcast throughout the facility.

Flexible and Reliable
Standard format animations can be imported from various file types such as MPEG clips, GIF, AVI, TGA sequences, etc.  All graphic pages for your digital sign or ad signage can then be scheduled from a simple, intuitive scheduling interface for either automatic looping or date/time playout.  This self-contained video information system is virtually virus-proof, requires no external computer connection and ensures utmost reliability and ease of use.

  • Layered page elements include live video, clips, text, graphics and backgrounds
  • Full-screen HD clips as animated backgrounds
  • Dynamic real-time 3D Text and Graphics
  • High-Def outputs including DVI-D and DB15 WXVGA
  • Landscape and Portrait display modes
  • Squeeze and position live video and clip player windows, including dynamic transitions
  • Dynamic broadcast quality effects such as text pushes, fades and crawls
  • Animated Text, Graphics and Logos using GIF, TGA, MPEG and more
  • Multiple text and graphic zones may be independently sized and positioned
  • Page scheduling, including looping durations or specific day, date and time control
  • External data interfaces for real-time data updates such as news, sports, stock and weather
A television and computer are shown with the horse race on it.

ChyTV HD 250

Education K1 to K12
Military Facilities
Government Buildings
Waiting Rooms
Corporate Lobbies
Bars and Restaurants


HD 250

High-Definition Graphic System with Live Television Input

Take in virtually any format of live HD input and squeeze and position it within your content uniquely from page to page and according to a looping schedule.


High-Definition Video Graphics Information Display.

When You Really Need Live HD Input

The new ChyTV HD 250 High-Definition Video Information Display System makes any public-space television truly compelling with integrated Live HD Input.

ChyTV HD 250 is easy to use, easy to deploy and easy to maintain.

High-Definition Dynamic Digital Signage System with HD Video Squeeze, HD Clip Playout, and layered 3D Graphics

Live HD Video Input … Customized
The ChyTV HD 250 extends the popular ChyTV HD 100 and HD 150 product line to include High-Definition Live Video Input along with the familiar ChyTV features. Like all ChyTV products, the HD 250 gives you full control over each element on the page. But with the HD 250, you can take in virtually any flavor of live HD input and squeeze and position it within your content uniquely from page to page. You can have a full motion HD clip as a background with layered graphics, text and animations on top, along with a live HD video window of any size and position, or a variety of other arrangements. Ideal for any large-size digital signage, ChyTV HD 250 utilizes the same ChyTV Tools utilities to manage the projects and is completely compatible with existing ChyTV units. Like all ChyTV products, the HD 250 features the highest quality dynamic text and effects, even in Portrait display mode.

Text and Graphics Image Engine
The ChyTV HD 250 features an internal MPEG clip player and has the ability to manipulate the video clip either in a window that is surrounded by graphics and text or to superimpose the message over the video background. In addition, full screen graphics can be displayed with dynamic text, logos and animations. A versatile play-list scheduler allows for dynamic programming. The supplied ChyTV Tools user interface allows for direct control of the ChyTV HD 250, or multiple ChyTV HD 250 ’s can be added to the ChyTV.net server for automatic remote content updates.

Easy Integration
The ChyTV system is easy to configure in a display system or integrated into an existing video infrastructure. The graphic and text information coupled with programmable audio clips may be displayed on a single TV screen or broadcast throughout the facility. Easy and intuitive content creation, scheduling, distribution and display of graphic content to flat panel and television monitors is possible with ChyTV's dynamic display controller.

Flexible and Reliable
Standard format animations can be imported from various file types such as GIF, AVI, TGA sequences, etc. All graphic pages can then be scheduled from a simple, intuitive scheduling interface for either automatic looping or date/time playout. Content is transferred to ChyTV via IEEE 1394 Firewire or Ethernet connection. This self-contained device is virtually virus-proof, requires no external computer connection and ensures utmost reliability and ease of use.

  • Live HD Input, including Analog and HD-SDI with squeeze (PIP) or graphic overlay
  • High-Def outputs include DVI-D and DB15 WXVGA
  • Dynamic real-time 3D Text and Graphics
  • Landscape and Portrait display modes
  • Squeeze and position HD clip player window
  • Create graphic and text pages using standard applications or supplied templates
  • Dynamic broadcast quality effects such as text pushes, fades and crawls.
  • Animated Text, Graphics and Logos using GIF, TGA, MPEG and more
  • Multiple text and graphic zones may be independently sized, positioned, and layered
  • Page scheduling, including looping durations or specific day, date and time control
  • USB and Ethernet external data interfaces for real-time data updates such as news, sports, stock and weather
  • Scalable from individual use to large-scale enterprise networks


A tv and computer are next to each other.

ChyTV HD Pro

Television Stations

PEG Channels

Education K1 to K12




Military Facilities

Government Buildings

Waiting Rooms

Corporate Lobbies


HD Pro

Broadcast Character Generator with Overlay and Squeeze

The ChyTV HD Pro system is a cost-effective professional high-end graphics system for television stations, local cable channels, communities, municipalities, PEG and television and video distribution networks.  Includes both Full Screen Overlay and Live Squeezeback and supports both Closed Captioning and HD-SDI In and Out.


High-Definition Video Graphics Information Display.

Live HD-SDI In and Out with Squeeze and Overlay

The ChyTV HD Pro is an affordable professional broadcast television graphic system, supporting HD-SDI and analog HD In and Out.  With the HD Pro, you can take in virtually any flavor of live HD input and squeeze and position it within your content uniquely from page to page. Or overlay graphics on top of the full screen video.  All without compromising your closed captioning information.  This is truly a broadcast quality professional product.  Like all ChyTV products, the HD Pro gives you full control over each element on the page.  You can have a full motion HD clip as a background with layered graphics, text and animations on top, along with a live HD video window of any size and position, or a variety of other arrangements.  ChyTV HD Pro utilizes the same ChyTV Tools utilities to manage the projects and is completely compatible with existing ChyTV units.  Like all ChyTV products, the HD Pro features the highest quality dynamic text and effects, even in Portrait display mode.

Text and Graphics Image Engine

The HD Pro is ideal For PEG Channels (Public, Education, Government).  Some of the many Public Access Channel uses include: Local community announcements, Local weather, Community advertising, Town meeting announcements, agendas and minutes, Public Service announcements, and Emergency Alerts The ChyTV HD Pro features an internal  MPEG clip player and has the ability to manipulate the video clip either in a window that is surrounded by graphics and text or to superimpose the message over the video background.  In addition, full screen graphics can be displayed with dynamic text, logos and animations.  A versatile play-list scheduler allows for dynamic programming.  The supplied ChyTV Tools user interface allows for direct control of the ChyTV HD Pro, or multiple ChyTV HD Pro ’s  can be added to the ChyTV.net server for automatic remote content updates.

Flexible and Reliable

The ChyTV system is easy to configure in a display system or integrated into an existing HD video infrastructure. Standard format animations can be imported from various file types such as MPEG clips, GIF, AVI, TGA sequences, etc.  All graphic pages can then be scheduled from a simple, intuitive scheduling interface for either automatic looping or date/time playout.  This self-contained device is virtually virus-proof, requires no external computer connection and ensures utmost reliability and ease of use.

Rackmount Chassis
ChyTV HD Pro Rackmount Dual Power Supply Chassis
(P/N 7A00500

  • Supports HD-SDI In and Out with Closed Captioning as well as Embedded audio.
  • Live HD Input, both windowed or full-screen overlaid. Various HD video formats.
  • Layered page elements include live video, clips, text, graphics and backgrounds
  • Full-screen HD clips as animated backgrounds overlaid with dynamic text and graphics.
  • Dynamic real-time 3D Text and Graphics
  • Squeeze and position live video and clip player windows, including dynamic transitions
  • Dynamic broadcast quality effects such as text pushes, fades and crawls
  • Animated Text, Graphics and Logos using GIF, TGA, MPEG and more
  • Multiple text and graphic zones may be independently sized and positioned
  • Page scheduling, including looping durations or specific day, date and time control
  • External data interfaces for real-time data updates such as news, sports, stock and weather
  • Interfaces with a variety of peripheral  devices including RFID, touch screen, contact closure switches, serial control and more.
A tv monitor with the words


Education K1 to K12




Military Facilities

Government Buildings

Waiting Rooms

Corporate Lobbies


Bars and Restaurants


HD-SDI, HD Component or HDMI scheduled graphics In and Out

The ChyTV HD BB system is a versatile yet cost-effective high-end graphics system for local cable channels, communities, municipalities, PEG and television and video distribution networks.


High-Definition Video Graphics Information Display.

When you really need HD-SDI, HD Component or HDMI scheduled graphics In and Out.

The new ChyTV HD BB High-Definition Video Information television graphic display system makes any Public-Access television truly compelling with HD graphics and integrated Live HD Input and Ouput.

ChyTV HD BB is an easy to use, easy to deploy and easy to maintain television and video graphic display system.

High-Definition Bulletin Board Graphics System with HD Analog and HD-SDI Video Overlay and HD Clip Playout

Affordable Bulletin Board System
The ChyTV HD BB system is designed to be a cost-effective but high-end Bulletin Board system for local cable channels, communities, municipalities, PEG and other budget conscious television and video distribution networks. In addition to SD formats in and out, ChyTV HD BB supports HD Component and HD-SDI in and out with graphic overlay on top of live video. Additionally, full screen television graphics can be displayed with dynamic text, logos and animations.  A versatile play-list scheduler allows for dynamic programming. The supplied ChyTV Tools user interface allows for direct control of a single or multiple ChyTV HD BB systems.

Broadcast Quality Text and Graphics
The ChyTV HD BB television graphic features an internal MPEG clip player and has the ability to manipulate the video clip either in a window that is surrounded by graphics and text or to superimpose message over the video graphic background. Professional Crawl overlays are broadcast quality, smooth and easily modified. Multiple Crawls can display simultaneously and can include graphics and logos.

Ideal For PEG Channels (Public, Education, Government)
Some of the many Public Access Channel uses include:
• Local community announcements
• Local weather
• Community advertising
• Town meeting announcements, agendas and minutes
• Public Service announcements
• Emergency Alerts

Flexible and Reliable
Standard format animations can be imported from various file types such as GIF, AVI, TGA sequences, etc. All television graphic pages for the digital signage display can then be scheduled from a simple, intuitive scheduling interface for either automatic looping or date/time playout. Content is transferred to ChyTV via IEEE 1394 Firewire or Ethernet connection. This self-contained device is virtually virus-proof, requires no external computer connection and ensures utmost reliability and ease of use.

Standard Chassis
ChyTV HD BB Desktop Chassis
(P/N 7A00345)

Optional Rackmount Chassis
ChyTV HD BB Rackmount Dual Power Supply Chassis
(P/N 7A00345-RK)


  • Live HD Input, including HD Analog, HDMI and HD-SDI
  • High-Def Outputs including HD Analog, HDMI and HD-SDI
  • Dynamic real-time 3D Text and Graphics
  • Squeeze and position HD clip player window, including dynamic transitions (requires HDVC option)
  • Create graphic and text pages using standard applications or supplied templates
  • Dynamic broadcast quality effects such as text pushes, fades and crawls.
  • Animated Text, Graphics and Logos using GIF, TGA, MPEG and more
  • Multiple text and graphic zones may be independently sized, positioned, and layered
  • Page scheduling, including looping durations or specific day, date and time control
  • External data interfaces for real-time data updates such as news, sports, stock and weather
  • Scalable from individual use to large-scale enterprise networks

Additional Features

  • Metal Desktop Chassis light gauge steel
  • Optional Rack Mount Chassis with reduntant power supplies (shown)
  • RS-232 serial control
  • GPI/O (General Purpose Interface) remote triggering
  • Landscape and Portrait display modes
  • 1080P High-Definition
  • Compatible with ChyTV Author, ChyTV Tools, ChyTV Elements, and ChyTV Dynamo
A tv screen with a video of a board of commissioners meeting.

ChyTV multi SDI

Television Stations



Military Facilities

Government Buildings






Multi SDI

Graphic System with Live Video Overlay and SD-SDI and HD-SDI In / Out

The ChyTV multi SDI system is a cost-effective but high-end graphics system for local cable channels, communities, municipalities, PEG and other budget conscious television and video distribution networks.


The ChyTV multi SDI system is designed to be a cost-effective but high-end graphics system for local cable channels, communities, municipalities, PEG and other budget conscious television and video distribution networks.   In addition to SD-SDI in and out, ChyTV multi SDI supports HD-SDI in and out with graphic overlay on top of live video, giving facilities an upgrade path to transition from SD to HD with no added cost.  Additionally, full screen graphics can be displayed with dynamic text, logos and animations.  A versatile play-list scheduler allows for dynamic programming. The supplied ChyTV Tools user interface allows for direct control of a single or multiple ChyTV multi SDI systems.

Broadcast Quality Text and Graphics

The ChyTV multi SDI features an internal MPEG clip player and has the ability to manipulate the video clip either in a window that is surrounded by graphics and text or to superimpose the message over the video background.  Professional Crawl overlays are broadcast quality, smooth and easily modified.  Multiple Crawls can display simultaneously and can include graphics and logos.

Future-Proof Hardware To Suit Your Needs

The ChyTV multi SDI system can be ordered in a Desktop tower chassis as well as a more industrial 3 RU rack-mount chassis with redundant power supplies.

Flexible and Reliable

Standard format animations can be imported from various file types such as MPEG clips, GIF, AVI, TGA sequences, etc.  All graphic pages can then be scheduled from a simple, intuitive scheduling interface for either automatic looping or date/time playout.  This self-contained device is virtually virus-proof, requires no external computer connection and ensures utmost reliability and ease of use.

Extensible To Many Purposes

Some of the many uses include Local Community Announcements, Local Weather, Lower-Third Titling, Community Advertising, Town Meeting Announcements, Agendas and Minutes, Public Service Announcements and Emergency Alerts.

A tv monitor with a computer screen and dvd player.

ChyTV HD Alert

Education K1 to K12
Military Facilities
Government Buildings
Waiting Rooms
Corporate Lobbies


HD Alert

High Definition Alert Messaging with Crawl Overlay and Remote Triggering

Editing simple ASCII text files enables off-site generated emergency notifications for Public, Education and Government TV Channels (PEG). The ChyTV HD Alert facilitates deployment of easy and efficient custom emergency information.



Product Image


high-Definition Video Graphics Information Display.

When you really need off-site generated emergency notifications.

The new ChyTV HD Alert High-Definition Video Information Display System makes any Public-Access television truly compelling with HD graphics and integrated Live HD Input and Ouput.

ChyTV HD Alert is easy to use, easy to deploy and easy to maintain.

High-Definition Alert Graphics System with HD Analog and HD-SDI Video Overlay, Crawls and Remote Alert Generation

Remotely Automated Alert System
Ideal for PEG Channel (Public, Education, Government) emergency notification alert messages, the ChyTV HD Alert is a powerful and affordable high-definition broadcast quality graphics system designed to enable deployment of simple and efficient custom emergency alert system information. ChyTV HD Alert supports a variety of SD, HD and HD-SDI formats and lets you pass through your normal programming while monitoring for external text-file based emergency alert message information. If a designated text file shows up in a ‘watched’ folder, the ChyTV HD Alert system grabs the text information from the file, displays an appropriate overlay graphic on top of the live programming, and displays the alert message text information in the file using high quality broadcast effects such as crawls, pushes, fades, etc. When the text file goes away, the alert message goes away. Nothing could be simpler or more efficient. The alert can easily be generated remotely by any authority and requires no graphics or operational skill or training.

Broadcast Quality Text and Graphics
The ChyTV HD Alert system is designed to be a cost-effective but high-end Bulletin Board emergency alert system for local cable channels, communities, municipalities, PEG and other budget conscious television and video distribution networks. In addition to SD formats in and out, ChyTV HD Alert supports HD Component and HD-SDI in and out with graphic overlay on top of live video. Additionally, full screen graphics can be displayed with dynamic text, logos and animations. A versatile play-list scheduler allows for dynamic programming. The supplied ChyTV Tools user interface allows for direct control of a single or multiple ChyTV HD Alert systems. Professional Crawl overlays are broadcast quality, smooth and easily modified. Multiple Crawls can display simultaneously and can include graphics and logos.

Ideal For PEG Channels (Public, Education, Government Alerts)
Some of the many Public Access Channel uses include:
• Public Safety Announcements
• Weather Advisories - Hurricane, Tornado, Thunder Storm, Blizzard
• Emergency Instructions - Fire, Medical, Accidents, Earthquakes, Tsunami
• Disaster Relief - FEMA, Red Cross Information
• Security Alert - Homeland Security, Police and Military Information
• Amber Alerts - Missing Persons
• Video Messaging Systems CCTV / Surveillance add identification data from access control to video camera display.

Flexible and Reliable
Standard format animations can be imported from various file types such as GIF, AVI, TGA sequences, etc. All graphic pages can then be scheduled from a simple, intuitive scheduling interface for either automatic looping or date/time playout. Content is transferred to ChyTV via IEEE 1394 Firewire or Ethernet connection. This self-contained device is virtually virus-proof, requires no external computer connection and ensures utmost reliability and ease of use.

  • Remotely trigger Emergency Alert message information
  • Easily enter text 'crawl' information
  • Ideal for PEG channels, local cable channels, schools, municipalities
  • Live HD Input, including HD Analog, HDMI and HD-SDI
  • HD Outputs, including HD Analog, HDMI and HD-SDI
  • Create graphic and text pages using standard applications or supplied templates
  • Animated Text, Graphics and Logos using GIF, TGA, MPEG and more
A tv and some equipment on the floor


Education K1 to K12




Military Facilities

Government Buildings





High Definition Emergency Alert System Integrates with Standard EAS Decoders

ChyTV HD EAS integrates with FCC approved EAS Decoders such as Digital Alert System’s DASDEC II, providing better, lower-cost solution for generating high-quality crawls for EAS alerts in SD and HD.

Note: Package ChyTV HD EAS/DASDEC II will support (EAS/CAP) inquire about a bundled package solution.


Affordable Emergency Alert System integrates with industry leading EAS Decoders for crawl alert upper thirds in SD or HD


Emergency Alert Graphic System

ChyTV HD EAS integrates with FCC approved EAS Decoders such as Digital Alert System’s DASDEC II, providing a better, lower-cost solution for generating high-quality crawls for EAS alerts in SD and HD.  Ideal for PEG Channel (Public, Education, Government) and other broadcast television emergency notification, the ChyTV HD EAS is a powerful and affordable high-definition broadcast quality graphics system designed to enable deployment of simple and efficient custom emergency alert information. ChyTV HD EAS supports a variety of SD, HD and HD-SDI formats and lets you pass through your normal programming while displaying an upper third crawl overlay with the relevant alert message.  Full screen graphics or any other customized graphic can be used as well.



Hardware To Suit Your Needs

The ChyTV HD EAS system can be ordered in a Desktop tower chassis as well as a more industrial 3 RU rack-mount chassis with redundant power supplies. Both support a variety of video Input / Output standards, including HD-SDI, HDMI, analog component, S-Video, composite video, channels of AES/EBU audio and 4 channels of balanced analog audio in and out. You also get a down converted SD output.  The ChyTV HD EAS can run in either SD or HD, providing an upgrade path for stations currently running in SD but with future upgrade plans for HD.



Flexible and Reliable

The ChyTV HD EAS system can also be run as a scheduled Bulletin Board graphic system.  Standard format animations can be imported from various file types such as MPEG clips, GIF, AVI, TGA sequences, etc.  All graphic pages can then be scheduled from a simple, intuitive scheduling interface for either automatic looping or date/time playout.  This self-contained device is virtually virus-proof, requires no external computer connection and ensures utmost reliability and ease of use.


Some of the many uses include Local Community Announcements, Local Weather, Community Advertising, Town Meeting Announcements, Agendas and Minutes, Public Service Announcements and Emergency Alerts.


ChyTV HD EAS with Digital Alert Systems DASDEC II


(Rack Chassis Shown)

A television and computer are shown with the image of horses racing.

ChyTV HD 250

Education K1 to K12
Military Facilities
Government Buildings
Waiting Rooms
Corporate Lobbies
Bars and Restaurants


HD 250

High-Definition Live Input

High-Definition Video Graphics Information Display.



High-Definition Video Graphics Information Display.

When You Really Need Live HD Input

The new ChyTV HD 250 High-Definition Video Information Display System makes any public-space television truly compelling with integrated Live HD Input.

ChyTV HD 250 is easy to use, easy to deploy and easy to maintain.

High-Definition Dynamic Digital Signage System with HD Video Squeeze, HD Clip Playout, and layered 3D Graphics

Live HD Video Input … Customized
The ChyTV HD 250 extends the popular ChyTV HD 100 and HD 150 product line to include High-Definition Live Video Input along with the familiar ChyTV features. Like all ChyTV products, the HD 250 gives you full control over each element on the page. But with the HD 250, you can take in virtually any flavor of live HD input and squeeze and position it within your content uniquely from page to page. You can have a full motion HD clip as a background with layered graphics, text and animations on top, along with a live HD video window of any size and position, or a variety of other arrangements. Ideal for any large-size digital signage, ChyTV HD 250 utilizes the same ChyTV Tools utilities to manage the projects and is completely compatible with existing ChyTV units. Like all ChyTV products, the HD 250 features the highest quality dynamic text and effects, even in Portrait display mode.

Text and Graphics Image Engine
The ChyTV HD 250 features an internal MPEG clip player and has the ability to manipulate the video clip either in a window that is surrounded by graphics and text or to superimpose the message over the video background. In addition, full screen graphics can be displayed with dynamic text, logos and animations. A versatile play-list scheduler allows for dynamic programming. The supplied ChyTV Tools user interface allows for direct control of the ChyTV HD 250, or multiple ChyTV HD 250 ’s can be added to the ChyTV.net server for automatic remote content updates.

Easy Integration
The ChyTV system is easy to configure in a display system or integrated into an existing video infrastructure. The graphic and text information coupled with programmable audio clips may be displayed on a single TV screen or broadcast throughout the facility. Easy and intuitive content creation, scheduling, distribution and display of graphic content to flat panel and television monitors is possible with ChyTV's dynamic display controller.

Flexible and Reliable
Standard format animations can be imported from various file types such as GIF, AVI, TGA sequences, etc. All graphic pages can then be scheduled from a simple, intuitive scheduling interface for either automatic looping or date/time playout. Content is transferred to ChyTV via IEEE 1394 Firewire or Ethernet connection. This self-contained device is virtually virus-proof, requires no external computer connection and ensures utmost reliability and ease of use.

  • Live HD Input, including Analog and HD-SDI with squeeze (PIP) or graphic overlay
  • High-Def outputs include DVI-D and DB15 WXVGA
  • Dynamic real-time 3D Text and Graphics
  • Landscape and Portrait display modes
  • Squeeze and position HD clip player window
  • Create graphic and text pages using standard applications or supplied templates
  • Dynamic broadcast quality effects such as text pushes, fades and crawls.
  • Animated Text, Graphics and Logos using GIF, TGA, MPEG and more
  • Multiple text and graphic zones may be independently sized, positioned, and layered
  • Page scheduling, including looping durations or specific day, date and time control
  • USB and Ethernet external data interfaces for real-time data updates such as news, sports, stock and weather
  • Scalable from individual use to large-scale enterprise networks
A tv sitting on top of a table next to two monitors.

ChyTV LogoIt! CG

Television Stations
Military Facilities
Government Buildings


2 Channel High Definition Live Operation Character Generator and Logo Inserter

LogoIt! CG is a very efficient, dual channel real time, high performance logo insertion system that will help you create your company or channel ID and branding look at a very attractive price.




Product ImageLogo Insertion and Channel Branding.

LogoIt! is a very efficient, high performance logo insertion system that will help you create your company or channel ID and branding look at a very attractive price. From simple static logos, to complex pages of graphics, logos, text and tickers; LogoIt! is all you need to achieve that new creative look.

Logo Insertion, Crawls and more over Live Video In High Definition or Standard Definition, Analog or SDI



Clear and Easy To Use Interface

LogoIt! Is a combination of Windows based software and reliable hardware that provides a comprehensive set of tools to create, manage, and playback a wide va- riety of logos, text and graphic images. Commands are available to size and posi- tion any logo or graphic element on the screen and save for future recall. Saved logos are displayed in the provided asset browser allowing the operator to recall logos by clicking on the graphic or by recalling using the supplied dedicated con- trol panel. Designed to make the operator’s life easy, LogoIt!’s simple to use inter- face minimizes the chances of on - air mistakes.

Text and Tickers

What sets LogoIt! apart from other systems is the ability to add text and automated multiple static fields and/or multiple crawl tickers with interpolated static or ani- mated graphic elements to your on air station identification, or other logos. Text elements can be used in conjunction with other graphics or by themselves. Fonts, colors, speed, speed changes, segment separators (static or animated) can be adjusted independently for each ticker line. Tickers provide a way to automatically update onscreen text with data coming into LogoIt! from either Ethernet or RS232 connections. Analog and Digital clocks , up and down counters, SMS messages, temperature are just some examples of how this function could be used.

Background Combiner and Restyling Tools

Your graphics artist will appreciate the ability to create 32 - bit transparent logos and/or backgrounds, using the standard video capture feature. Once images are captured they are available on the network so they can be shared with other work- stations in the graphics department. Software tools are provided to convert pairs of 24bit graphics files and create valid 32bit logos. Any SDI source connected to the LogoIt! video input can provide the fill and key required. The Background Com- biner will match them together to create a 32 bit graphics file ready to be used as a logo or background. The Restyling Tools complement the combiner with graphics processing, painting and editing capability.


  • Affordable character generator and logo inserter
  • Easy to learn and use
  • High quality text and graphics
  • Unlimited animated logos on screen
  • Design and create layouts
  • Import / Export / Save / Recall libraries
  • Manage and Edit resources
  • Organize streams of data to fields, tickers and crawls
  • Playback a wide variety of logos, clips, snipes, text and graphic images
  • Process automation commands
  • Up to 10 crawl tickers on screen.
  • Time - line control
  • Preview on VGA screen
  • Background combiner and graphic restyling tools
  • Unlimited storage capacity
  • 10 bit digital quality
  • Analog, SD and HD standards
  • Includes rack - mount kit

ChyTV LogoIt!

Television Stations
Military Facilities
Government Buildings


High Definition Live Operation Character Generator and Logo Inserter

LogoIt! is a very efficient, real time, high performance logo insertion system that will help you create your company or channel ID and branding look at a very attractive price.




Product ImageLogo Insertion and Channel Branding.

LogoIt! is a very efficient, high performance logo insertion system that will help you create your company or channel ID and branding look at a very attractive price. From simple static logos, to complex pages of graphics, logos, text and tickers; LogoIt! is all you need to achieve that new creative look.

Logo Insertion, Crawls and more over Live Video In High Definition or Standard Definition, Analog or SDI



Clear and Easy To Use Interface

LogoIt! Is a combination of Windows based software and reliable hardware that provides a comprehensive set of tools to create, manage, and playback a wide va- riety of logos, text and graphic images. Commands are available to size and posi- tion any logo or graphic element on the screen and save for future recall. Saved logos are displayed in the provided asset browser allowing the operator to recall logos by clicking on the graphic or by recalling using the supplied dedicated con- trol panel. Designed to make the operator’s life easy, LogoIt!’s simple to use inter- face minimizes the chances of on - air mistakes.

Text and Tickers

What sets LogoIt! apart from other systems is the ability to add text and automated multiple static fields and/or multiple crawl tickers with interpolated static or ani- mated graphic elements to your on air station identification, or other logos. Text elements can be used in conjunction with other graphics or by themselves. Fonts, colors, speed, speed changes, segment separators (static or animated) can be adjusted independently for each ticker line. Tickers provide a way to automatically update onscreen text with data coming into LogoIt! from either Ethernet or RS232 connections. Analog and Digital clocks , up and down counters, SMS messages, temperature are just some examples of how this function could be used.

Background Combiner and Restyling Tools

Your graphics artist will appreciate the ability to create 32 - bit transparent logos and/or backgrounds, using the standard video capture feature. Once images are captured they are available on the network so they can be shared with other work- stations in the graphics department. Software tools are provided to convert pairs of 24bit graphics files and create valid 32bit logos. Any SDI source connected to the LogoIt! video input can provide the fill and key required. The Background Com- biner will match them together to create a 32 bit graphics file ready to be used as a logo or background. The Restyling Tools complement the combiner with graphics processing, painting and editing capability.


  • Affordable character generator and logo inserter
  • Easy to learn and use
  • High quality text and graphics
  • Unlimited animated logos on screen
  • Design and create layouts
  • Import / Export / Save / Recall libraries
  • Manage and Edit resources
  • Organize streams of data to fields, tickers and crawls
  • Playback a wide variety of logos, clips, snipes, text and graphic images
  • Process automation commands
  • Up to 10 crawl tickers on screen.
  • Time - line control
  • Preview on VGA screen
  • Background combiner and graphic restyling tools
  • Unlimited storage capacity
  • 10 bit digital quality
  • Analog, SD and HD standards
  • Includes rack - mount kit


A black box with a blue and white checkered design on it.


Education K1 to K12
Military Facilities
Government Buildings
Waiting Rooms
Corporate Lobbies
Bars, Restaurants and Cafes
Senior Care Facilities
Residential Communities
  (Apartments & Complexes)
Service Providers
  (Lawyers, Accountants, Salons,
Barbers, Dojos, Dance Studios)
Auto Dealers / Repair Shops
Health Care Providers
  (Doctors, Dentists, Eye Doctors,
Chiropractors, etc.)

Plus II

Replaces ChyTV Plus P/N 7A00309

ChyTV Plus II features the ability to manipulate a video source, either in a window that is surrounded by graphics and text or to superimpose the message over the video background. In addition, full screen graphics can be displayed with videos, dynamic text, logos and animations.


Live SD Video Input … Customized
The ChyTV Plus II is a unique product combining graphics and text with live standard definition NTSC and PAL video both in overlay or squeeze-back modes. As standard definition products are vanishing, the ChyTV Plus II carries on the ability to combine live SD video in composite or component formats both In and Out within a true SD video infrastructure, including passing closed captioning. Still commonly in use in many public, education, government (PEG) and military installations, SD continues to be an important format to professionally support. ChyTV Plus II provide the same basic functionality as the legendary ChyTV Plus and more such as video clip playout. In addition, internal operating system security hardening measures have been installed to prevent unwanted external intrusions and hacking.

Like all ChyTV products, the Plus II gives you full control over each element on the page. But with the Plus II, you can take in live composite, component or S-Video and squeeze and position it within your content uniquely from page to page. You can have a full motion clip as a background with layered graphics, text and animations on top, along with a live SD video window of any size and position, or a variety of other arrangements. Ideal for digital signage, ChyTV Plus II utilizes the same ChyTV Tools utilities to manage the projects and is completely compatible with existing ChyTV units. Like all ChyTV products, the Plus II features the highest quality dynamic text and effects.

Text and Graphics Image Engine
The ChyTV Plus II features an internal MPEG clip player and has the ability to manipulate the video clip either in a window that is surrounded by graphics and text or to superimpose the message over the video background. In addition, full screen graphics can be displayed with dynamic text, logos and animations. A versatile play-list scheduler allows for dynamic programming. The supplied ChyTV Tools user interface allows for direct control of the ChyTV Plus II, or multiple ChyTV Plus II ’s can be added to the ChyTV.net server for automatic remote content updates.

Easy Integration
The 1 RU ChyTV system is easy to configure in a display system or integrated into an existing SD video infrastructure. The graphic and text information coupled with programmable audio clips may be displayed on a single TV screen or broadcast throughout the facility. All graphic pages can then be scheduled from a simple, intuitive scheduling interface for either automatic looping or date/time playout.


  • Live SD Input, both windowed or full-screen overlaid. Component, YUV, S-Video and Composite
  • Same features as the well-known ChyTV Plus and more
  • Layered page elements include live video, clips, text, graphics and backgrounds
  • Full-screen clips as animated backgrounds overlaid with dy-namic text and graphics
  • Dynamic real-time Text and Graphics
  • Squeeze and position live video and clip player windows, including dynamic transitions
  • Dynamic broadcast quality effects such as text pushes, fades and crawls
  • Animated Text, Graphics and Logos using GIF, TGA, MPEG and more
  • Multiple text and graphic zones may be independently sized and positioned
  • Page scheduling, including looping durations or specific day, date and time control
  • External data interfaces for real-time data updates such as news, sports, stock and weather
  • Interfaces with a variety of peripheral devices including RFID, touch screen, contact closure switches, serial control and more
A close up of the back side of an audio player


Education K1 to K12
Military Facilities
Government Buildings
Waiting Rooms
Corporate Lobbies
Bars, Restaurants and Cafes
Senior Care Facilities
Residential Communities
  (Apartments & Complexes)
Service Providers
  (Lawyers, Accountants, Salons,
Barbers, Dojos, Dance Studios)
Auto Dealers / Repair Shops
Health Care Providers
  (Doctors, Dentists, Eye Doctors,
Chiropractors, etc.)


Standard-Definition Graphic System with Live Television Input

ChyTV Plus features the ability to manipulate a video source, either in a window that is surrounded by graphics and text or to superimpose the message over the video background. In addition, full screen graphics can be displayed with dynamic text, logos and animations.


Product ImageLive video in and out, component, S-Video or composite.

ChyTV Plus is Chyron's latest innovation in the Video Information Display market.

ChyTV Plus is built to last...

Fully compatible with all ChyTV models, the new ChyTV Plus Video Information Display System makes any public-space television a truly dynamic communicator.

ChyTV Plus is easy to use, easy to deploy and easy to maintain.

Next Generation of Dynamic Video Signage Systems with Enhanced Video Capabilities and External Control

ChyTV Plus, based on the popular ChyTV Video Graphics Information Display system, extends the product line to include S-video and component video inputs and outputs, serial and GPI control interfaces and Ethernet connectivity all in a rugged 1/2 rack unit chassis. Ideal for any professionally installed video messaging system, ChyTV Plus utilizes the same ChyTV Tools utilities to manage the projects and is completely compatible with existing ChyTV units. The additional features enable more flexible system integration and enhanced video capabilities.

Video Graphics Image Engine

As with all ChyTV versions, ChyTV Plus features the ability to manipulate a video source, either in a window that is surrounded by graphics and text or to superimpose the message over the video background. In addition, full screen graphics can be displayed with dynamic text, logos and animations. A versatile play-list scheduler allows for dynamic programming. The supplied ChyTV Tools user interface allows for control of up to 20 ChyTV Plus units. Additional Network Content Management solutions facilitate larger enterprises of up to thousands of ChyTV's.

Easy Integration

The ChyTV system is easy to configure in a display system or integrated into an existing video infrastructure. The graphic and text information coupled with programmable audio clips may be displayed on a single TV screen or broadcast throughout the facility. Easy and intuitive content creation, scheduling, distribution and display of graphic content to flat panel and television monitors is possible with ChyTV's dynamic display controller. Users can opt to show either full screen images or video graphics and text combined with an external video feed. Video regions can be resized and positioned from page to page with smooth dynamic transitions, while dynamic graphic and text regions can be assigned to surround or overlay the video window. Audio WAV files may be integrated seamlessly for sound clips and audio alerts.

Flexible and Reliable

Standard format animations can be imported from various file types such as GIF, TGA sequences, etc. These animations can be positioned anywhere on the screen either superimposed over the video source or surrounding a video window. All graphic pages can then be scheduled from a simple, intuitive scheduling interface for either automatic looping or date/time playout. Content is transferred to ChyTV via a standard Compact Flash interface or Ethernet connection. Running our own proprietary Operating System, this self-contained device is virtually virus-proof, requires no external computer connection and ensures utmost reliability and ease of use.

  • Create graphic and text pages using standard applications or supplied templates
  • Squeeze and position live video window, including dynamic transitions
  • Multiple graphic zones may be independently sized and positioned
  • Full-motion video regions and animations
  • Play audio WAV files overlayed with incoming audio
  • Schedule pages in Playlist, including looping durations or specific day and time control
  • Interfaces for real-time data updates such as stock and temperature (Ethernet, RS-232)
  • Interfaces for real-time control (Ethernet, RS-232, GPI)
  • Compact, stand-alone system for optimum reliability
  • SanDisk® compact flash media slot
  • External video bypass switch
  • Plasma burn-in reduction algorithms
  • Dynamic broadcast quality effects such as text pushes and Crawls with soft masks
  • Scalable from individual use to large-scale enterprise networks
A television and dvd player with the words


Emergency and Security Alert Video Messages

Education K1 to K12
Military Facilities
Government Buildings
Waiting Rooms
Corporate Lobbies
Bars and Restaurants


SD Alert Messaging System Adds Alert Information to Live Video

ChyAlert is a specialized video appliance designed specifically for automated and/or manual display of emergency messages and security alert graphic, text and audio in a video distribution display or CATV systems.


Product ImageChyAlert, is a unique product that adds emergency message alerts to any video source.

It is a specialized video appliance designed specifically for automated and/or manual display of emergency messages and security alert graphic, text and audio in a video distribution display or CATV systems.

High-Performance, Low-Cost Video Graphics and Information Alert Mass Notification System for Public-space Television, Video Displays, CATV and CCTV Surveillance Systems

Emergency and Security Alert Video Messages

ChyAlert, based on the ChyTV Video Graphics Information Display system, is a unique product that adds Alert messages to any video source. It is a specialized video appliance designed specifically for automated and/or manual display of emergency messages and security alert graphic, text and audio in a video distribution display or CATV systems. As a self-contained device, ChyAlert mass notification system integrates a video source along with a locally generated message. These messages can be standardized or customized for specific applications or situations. Dynamic text elements can be derived from secure data or updated in real-time, either locally or remotely. Secure Software applications allow preset emergency messages to be displayed or control by authorities to update and alter content.

Secure and Reliable

ChyAlert is a solid-state appliance that can be stand-alone or networked. Based on a proprietary hardware platform, ChyTV is impervious to computer based viruses, worms or operating system failure. All content is stored on non-volatile compact flash that can be securely updated and changed by authorized operators. Interfaces from Fire and Burglar Alarm Systems, Access Control Systems or manual overrides from authorized Security, Police, etc. assure up-to-date and real time information.

ChyAlert Tools

Based on the ChyTV Tools user interface, ChyAlert Tools adds a secure password protected access level. In addition, there is a simplified interface with alert page to be selected from a local or remote pc and an interface with listing of all networked ChyAlert Units with description to control one ChyAlert or groups of ChyAlert units. A pop-up window allows authorities to change text for selected messages.

CATV / Public Space TV Mass Notification System

Multi-channel ChyAlert mass notification systems are ideal for emergency messages and security alerts, information and video messaging in Hotels, Hospitals, Universities, Buildings, Transportation Centers and Government facilities.

  • Create graphic and text pages using standard applications or supplied templates
  • Squeeze and position live video window, including dynamic transitions
  • Multiple graphic zones may be independently sized and positioned
  • Full-motion video regions and animations
  • Play audio WAV files overlayed with incoming audio
  • Schedule pages in Playlist, including looping durations or specific day and time control
  • Interfaces for real-time data updates such as stock and temperature (USB, Ethernet, RS-232)
  • Interfaces for real-time control (USB, Ethernet, RS-232, GPI)
  • Compact, stand-alone system for optimum reliability
  • SanDisk® compact flash media slot
  • External video bypass switch
  • Plasma burn-in reduction algorithms
  • Dynamic broadcast quality effects such as text pushes and Crawls with soft masks
  • Scalable from individual use to large-scale enterprise networks

ChyTV LogoIt!

Television Stations
Military Facilities
Government Buildings


High Definition Live Operation Character Generator and Logo Inserter

LogoIt! is a very efficient, real time, high performance logo insertion system that will help you create your company or channel ID and branding look at a very attractive price.



Product ImageLogo Insertion and Channel Branding.

LogoIt! is a very efficient, high performance logo insertion system that will help you create your company or channel ID and branding look at a very attractive price. From simple static logos, to complex pages of graphics, logos, text and tickers; LogoIt! is all you need to achieve that new creative look.

Logo Insertion, Crawls and more over Live Video In High Definition or Standard Definition, Analog or SDI



Clear and Easy To Use Interface

LogoIt! Is a combination of Windows based software and reliable hardware that provides a comprehensive set of tools to create, manage, and playback a wide va- riety of logos, text and graphic images. Commands are available to size and posi- tion any logo or graphic element on the screen and save for future recall. Saved logos are displayed in the provided asset browser allowing the operator to recall logos by clicking on the graphic or by recalling using the supplied dedicated con- trol panel. Designed to make the operator’s life easy, LogoIt!’s simple to use inter- face minimizes the chances of on - air mistakes.

Text and Tickers

What sets LogoIt! apart from other systems is the ability to add text and automated multiple static fields and/or multiple crawl tickers with interpolated static or ani- mated graphic elements to your on air station identification, or other logos. Text elements can be used in conjunction with other graphics or by themselves. Fonts, colors, speed, speed changes, segment separators (static or animated) can be adjusted independently for each ticker line. Tickers provide a way to automatically update onscreen text with data coming into LogoIt! from either Ethernet or RS232 connections. Analog and Digital clocks , up and down counters, SMS messages, temperature are just some examples of how this function could be used.

Background Combiner and Restyling Tools

Your graphics artist will appreciate the ability to create 32 - bit transparent logos and/or backgrounds, using the standard video capture feature. Once images are captured they are available on the network so they can be shared with other work- stations in the graphics department. Software tools are provided to convert pairs of 24bit graphics files and create valid 32bit logos. Any SDI source connected to the LogoIt! video input can provide the fill and key required. The Background Com- biner will match them together to create a 32 bit graphics file ready to be used as a logo or background. The Restyling Tools complement the combiner with graphics processing, painting and editing capability.


  • Affordable character generator and logo inserter
  • Easy to learn and use
  • High quality text and graphics
  • Unlimited animated logos on screen
  • Design and create layouts
  • Import / Export / Save / Recall libraries
  • Manage and Edit resources
  • Organize streams of data to fields, tickers and crawls
  • Playback a wide variety of logos, clips, snipes, text and graphic images
  • Process automation commands
  • Up to 10 crawl tickers on screen.
  • Time - line control
  • Preview on VGA screen
  • Background combiner and graphic restyling tools
  • Unlimited storage capacity
  • 10 bit digital quality
  • Analog, SD and HD standards
  • Includes rack - mount kit
A television screen with a video of the board of commissioners.

ChyTV Multi SDI

Television Stations



Military Facilities

Government Buildings


Multi SDI

Graphic System with Live Video Overlay and SD-SDI and HD-SDI In / Out

The ChyTV multi SDI system is a cost-effective but high-end graphics system for local cable channels, communities, municipalities, PEG and other budget conscious television and video distribution networks.


The ChyTV multi SDI system is designed to be a cost-effective but high-end graphics system for local cable channels, communities, municipalities, PEG and other budget conscious television and video distribution networks.   In addition to SD-SDI in and out, ChyTV multi SDI supports HD-SDI in and out with graphic overlay on top of live video, giving facilities an upgrade path to transition from SD to HD with no added cost.  Additionally, full screen graphics can be displayed with dynamic text, logos and animations.  A versatile play-list scheduler allows for dynamic programming. The supplied ChyTV Tools user interface allows for direct control of a single or multiple ChyTV multi SDI systems.

Broadcast Quality Text and Graphics

The ChyTV multi SDI features an internal MPEG clip player and has the ability to manipulate the video clip either in a window that is surrounded by graphics and text or to superimpose the message over the video background.  Professional Crawl overlays are broadcast quality, smooth and easily modified.  Multiple Crawls can display simultaneously and can include graphics and logos.

Future-Proof Hardware To Suit Your Needs

The ChyTV multi SDI system can be ordered in a Desktop tower chassis as well as a more industrial 3 RU rack-mount chassis with redundant power supplies.

Flexible and Reliable

Standard format animations can be imported from various file types such as MPEG clips, GIF, AVI, TGA sequences, etc.  All graphic pages can then be scheduled from a simple, intuitive scheduling interface for either automatic looping or date/time playout.  This self-contained device is virtually virus-proof, requires no external computer connection and ensures utmost reliability and ease of use.

Extensible To Many Purposes

Some of the many uses include Local Community Announcements, Local Weather, Lower-Third Titling, Community Advertising, Town Meeting Announcements, Agendas and Minutes, Public Service Announcements and Emergency Alerts.


A baseball team roster is shown in this image.

ChyTV Tools Agenda Users

Television Stations



Military Facilities

Government Buildings







Fast and Efficient Live On-Screen Information and Content Updates

The ChyTV Tools Agenda software makes it easy to create lists of text, graphics, animations and videos and interactively update the ChyTV Page displaying on the output video with a press of a keyboard key or a double click of the mouse.



Agenda Software Summary

Ideal for live events, such as public meetings, conferences, sporting events and more, Agenda is a software feature of ChyTV Tools that utilizes the Active Data Tab Controls on a ChyTV Page to facilitate the real time changing of the on-screen contents of that ChyTV page during live operation.

Agenda makes it easy to create lists of text, graphics, animations and videos that can be used to interactively update the ChyTV Page displaying on the output video with a single press of a keyboard key or a double click of the mouse.

Agenda Features and Operation

The Agenda functionality is best used when connected to a live ChyTV graphics product.  An Agenda File is a Comma Separated Value file that will contain all the entries that will be used to update the ChyTV Page Active Data Tag Controls that are on the displaying Page in the ChyTV.

For example a ChyTV Page can be created using our WYSIWG layout tool, ChyTV Author, as a traditional lower third type display where a Head Shot Image is to the left followed by the Person’s Name to the Right and the Person’s Title right below the name.

With the page displaying on the ChyTV and Tools being connected to the ChyTV with the matching project running on the ChyTV the output of the ChyTV will display the items just sent in the locations on the screen, with the fonts and colors set up in Author.

Selecting another row on the Grid with different information will change the displaying contents with the new entries on the new row selected.

A group of men playing hockey on ice.

Custom Applications


We Develop Custom Applications and Interface to a Wide Variety of External Control and Data Sources

All ChyTV devices, including both Standard Definition (ChyTV Plus, ChyTV-IP, ChyTV-SDI) and High Definition (HD 100, HD 150, HD 250, HD BB, HD Alert, HD-mini) are capable of driving or being driven by a variety of data sources and external devices.


ChyTV External Control and Interfaces

ChyTV Devices have been integrated with a wide variety of standard external control, scheduling and data systems.  These include:

ChyTV Custom Application Case Studies

All ChyTV devices, including both Standard Definition (ChyTV Plus, ChyTV-IP, ChyTV-SDI) and High Definition (HD 100, HD 150, HD 250, HD BB, HD Alert, HD-mini) are capable of driving or being driven by a variety of data sources and external devices. Data sources can include graphics and text imported or ‘mined’ from Web pages, XML and RSS feeds, Databases and more. In addition, ChyTV pages and sequences can be controlled by various external physical devices using RS - 232, GPI (general purpose interface) and IP network socket.  Likewise, ChyTV pages and schedules can issue commands to control peripheral devices. Some examples of external control include:

  • Touch - screen control. Using an ELO compatible touch-screen mounted in portrait mode and a ChyTV HD 100, a kiosk was displayed in WalMart displaying their various digital camera offerings.  By selecting various categories such as features or price ranges, deeper details could be displayed for each camera.
  • RFID. An HD 100 was used to react to an RFID scanner to display more information or video clips about a particular product when the product was ‘swiped’ in front of an RFID scanner.
  • Proximity Sensor. A proximity sensor connected to an HD 100 detected the presence of customer and pages beckoned the customer closer. Content would change appropriately as the customer approached.
  • Badge Scanner. Connecting to a trade-show badge scanner RS-232 port, an HD 100 was used to thank the customer by name when their badge was swiped. In addition, Google Maps was used to animate a zoom-in from outer space to the customer’s home state.
  • Magnetic Switches. When a product was ‘lifted’ from the shelf, the GPI on a ChyTV Plus was triggered and the ChyTV Plus then triggered an appropriate ChyTV page, a clip player, and a ‘scent’ generator which could emit a ‘puff’ of scent.  For example lifting a package of go lf balls played a page with information about the golf balls, a video clip and ‘puff’ of green grass scent.
  • Bank Teller Switches. Pushbuttons at Standard Bank when pressed by the bank tellers control a ChyTV Plus to show an animation directing the customer to the appropriate teller window.
  • Announcement Switches. Contact closure switches on a line of ferry boats in Australia enable a ChyTV Plus to display various status announcements on the televisions throughout the boats.
  • Third Party Interfaces. A variety of third party companies and partners have developed ChyTV interfaces into their software using the ChyTV SDK and API (software developer’s kit and application programming interface).  Some of these include:
    • Vermont Systems – Rectrac. Park and recreation management system. Pushes facility schedule information to ChyTV for display on facility televisions. http://www.vermontsystems.com
    • Videobotics. Remote camera control systems for churches, government,schools,etc. Using ChyTV to title camera views. http://www.videobotics.com
    • Frost Cuttlery. Using ChyTV to automatically overlay local phone numbers on local cable channels. http://www.frostcutlery.com
    • Palms Casino. Using ChyTV to display game table stakes and games as the tables change.
    • SchoolView. School management systems. Using ChyTV to display various announcements on school televisions. http://www.schoolviewtech.com
    • 4 Village Studios. A municipal Long Island cable channel uses ChyTV to display local announcements and information along with live weather information from a roof - mounted weather station on their own building.  The weather station is a Rainwise system that delivers XML for the weather data directly to the ChyTV for on-air display.
    • VA Hospitals, Chicago.  VA hospitals in the Chicago area use ChyTV HD 150 devices to display their own local information along with national images and text mined from their www.va.gov web site. These images and information are automatically pulled in directly by the ChyTV device, which keeps the content fresh and up to date automatically with zero manual effort day to day.
    • Pershing County of Nevada. K14KQ is an FCC - licensed Public Broadcasting Station, owned by the Pershing County School District and operated by high school students since 2001. The ChyTV HD - 150 is used to cycle through a scheduled sequence of events and announcements as well as show current local weather. On top of that, they include a live camera feed from a roof - mounted weather station. The weather and camera feed come from a Weather Bug system from Earth Networks.

RS-232 Control and IP Socket Control
The ChyTV Plus includes a 9-pin RS - 232 connector that enables the ChyTV to control or be controlled by an external device that supports RS-232. Likewise, the HD ChyTV products can use a serial to USB connector. Each device that controls RS-232 typically uses its own command protocol. Therefore ChyTV’s RS-232 implementation is a generic interface that permits entry of specific ASCII text strings with a user definable Command and Description field permitting easy reference. When applied the appropriate tag is placed on the ChyTV page. When the ChyTV page is displayed on the ChyTV, the ASCII text string is sent to the RS-232 port.

Likewise, ChyTV has a simple ASCII text protocol that can be used to control the device and deliver data from external applications and interfaces.

All commands supported by RS-232 are also supported over network IP socket connection.

GPI Control
The ChyTV Plus includes a 9-pin D connector for GPIO functions. GPI stands for General Purpose Interface; GPIO stands for General Purpose In/Out. The two terms can be used interchangeably. GPI permits 8 possible ‘function’ triggers via contact closure. These functions correspond directly to one of the 8 pins. The appropriate function is triggered upon 'contact closure'. GPI functions can be defined to read a specific page, display Full Video, advance to the next page in the schedule, and a variety of other ChyTV actions.

Of the 8 GPI pins some or all can be set to act as output pins set by GPIO commands that can be inserted in ChyTV pages or in the ChyTV Playlist. The default operation is for all the GPI pins to act as input only, but the user can set the GPI pins to act as all output or 4 input and 4 output. See below for more information.

The 8 pin GPIO port can be configured for both in put and output.

SDK - Software Developer’s Kit

The ChyTV SDK (software developer’s kit) enables custom software applications to interface directly with any ChyTV Video Graphics Information Display. The SDK gives direct access to the ChyTV API (application programmer’s interface) permitting customer interfaces to drive the ChyTV hardware directly using the same protocols the ChyTV Tools and ChyAlert software. Sample applications are provided in both C++ and Visual Basic programming languages. All commands can work over either IP or RS-232.

A computer screen with some text written in it

Software Developers Kit

Enables custom software applications

Software Developers Kit

Software applications interface directly with ChyTV Video Graphics Informat



Software applications interface directly with ChyTV Video Graphics Information Display.

The ChyTV SDK (software developers kit) enables custom software applications to interface directly with any ChyTV Video Graphics Information Display. The SDK gives direct access to the ChyTV API (application programmer’s interface) permit-ting custom interfaces to drive the ChyTV hardware directly using the same proto-cols the ChyTV Tools and ChyAlert software. Sample applications are provided in both C++ and Visual Basic programming languages. All commands can work over either IP or RS-232. A number of third party companies have leveraged the ChyTV SDK and playout devices to enhance their own product offerings, including park fa-cility management systems, robotic camera control systems, public school manage-ment systems, sports leader boards, PEG channel broadcasters and more.

A screen shot of the banner design software.

ChyTV Author

WYSIWYG content authoring tool

ChyTV Author

ChyTV Author is a WYSIWYG content authoring tool for creating ChyTV pages.




Author is a WYSIWYG content authoring tool for creating ChyTV pages.

An alternative to ChyTV’s PowerPoint based interface, ChyTV Author works hand in hand with ChyTV Tools project management software to create stunning content with sophisticated animations and crisp, dynamic text from any TrueType font. The ChyTV Author canvas can be configured in a variety of formats, including NTSC, PAL, HD 720 and HD 1080, all in 4 x 3 or 16 x 9 and landscape or portrait. ChyTV Author imports a wide variety of graphic, animation and video clip formats, including jpg, png, tif, tga, bmp, mpg, mov, quick-time and more.

A screen shot of the project viewer.

Chy TV Tools

Content Creation and Management

Chy TV Tools

Software for Creation & Management of Content for ChyTV Video Signage.



99Software for Creation & Management of Content for ChyTV Video Signage.

Award-Winning Software for Creation and Management of Content for the ChyTV Video Signage Product Line

Easy To Use Interface

Standard with all ChyTV products, ChyTV Tools is an extremely intuitive software utility to create, manage, schedule and distribute content for the ChyTV Video Graphics Information Display Systems. ChyTV is a line of dynamic video appliances providing real-time dynamic text, graphics and animations combined with live video sources for digital video signage applications. Combined with the ChyTV Tools user interface, you can display your message anywhere there's a television without disrupting the video source. Ideal for establishments such as hospitality, retail, corporate, schools, government buildings, churches and waiting rooms, you can convey your information to a captive audience using a reliable, highquality, self-contained system. And with ChyTV Tools, daily updates with fresh data and topical, vibrant graphics is a breeze.

Flexible, Powerful, Scalable

ChyTV Tools enables integration of dynamic graphic and text content with a variety of animations. All graphic pages can be individually controlled via a schedule that permits looping on duration or specific days of the week and time of day. In addition there is the ability to integrate audio WAV files for sound effects, sound clips or voice-over capability. For multiple device deployments, ChyTV Tools enables you to control many IP and/or USB device from a single location over LAN or WAN. Hard To Ignore Results
ChyTV Tools combines powerful graphic, video, and audio capabilities with an easy to use interface. Page layout and design are readily composed with well known third-party applications such as Microsoft¨ PowerPoint. In addition, pre-canned templates supplied by Chyron make it even simpler. Made possible by Chyron's forty years experience in broadcast television technologies, only ChyTV and ChyTV Tools can deliver such rich graphics and effects at such an affordable price.

Seamless Integration

Based on Microsoft's .NET architecture, ChyTV Tools features seamless integration with other applications, including PowerPoint and ChyTV's own Elements, Dynamo and ChyAlert interfaces.

ChyTV Elements

ChyTV Elements is ChyTV's add-in for Microsoft Power- Point that greatly simplifies your page editing process by automating the creation of your ChyTV specific content. ChyTV Elements interfaces directly to both PowerPoint and ChyTV Tools, enabling ChyTV page conversions directly into your ChyTV project.

ChyTV Dynamo

ChyTV Dynamo is a powerful graphic conversion utility that enables creation of ChyTV Logos and Flipbooks from a wide variety of common graphic formats. Logos are 2D graphics that can be created from formats such as GIF, JPG, BMP, PNG, TGA, and more. Flipbooks are animation sequences such as TGA sequences that are generated from animation tools like Adobe After Effects, Ulead Cool3D, and more. The Logo and Flipbook formats both support Alpha channel (i.e. transparency.)


ChyAlert is a separate product offering that facilitates live update and display of security and alert information.

System Requirements

Windows PC with a 32-bit graphics card

  • Manage multiple projects
  • Control multiple ChyTV devices via IP and/or USB
  • Edit page, data and schedule information
  • Page scheduling, including looping durations or specific day, date and time control and 'hourly interval' control
  • Play audio WAV files overlayed with incoming audio
  • Squeeze and position live video window, including dynamic transitions
  • Dynamic broadcast quality effects such as text pushes, fades and crawls
  • Preview and edit animated Text, Graphics and Logos using JPG, GIF, PNG, TGA, and more
  • Multiple text and graphic zones may be independently sized and positioned
  • Play audio WAV files with incoming audio
  • Seamless integration with other applications via Microsoft's .NET architecture
  • Scalable from individual use to large-scale enterprise networks
A screen shot of the chylert control panel.


Emergency Alert Video Messages

ChyAlert | Emergency Alert Video Message

It is a unique product that adds Alert messages to any video source.



ChyAlert is a unique product that adds Alert messages to any video source.

ChyAlert, based on the ChyTV Video Graphics Information Display system, is a unique product that adds Alert messages to any video source. It is designed specifically for automated and/or manual display of emergency and security alert graphic, text and audio in a video distribution display or CATV systems. ChyAlert integrates a video source along with a locally generated message. These messages can be standardized or customized for specific applications or situations. Dynamic text elements can be derived from secure data or updated in real-time, either locally or remotely. Secure Software applications allow preset messages to be displayed or control by authorities to update and alter content. ChyAlert is a simplified interface with alert pages to be selected from a local or remote PC and an interface with listings of all networked ChyAlert Units with a description to control one ChyAlert or groups of ChyAlert units. A pop-up window allows authorities to change text for selected messages. ChyAlert is widely used a large number of high-profile government facilities, buildings, ships, campuses and bases.

A screen shot of the digit website.

DigIt XC

Excel Converter

DigIt XC

Converts Microsoft Excel spreadsheets into simple ASCII Text files.



Product ImageConverts Microsoft Excel spreadsheets into simple ASCII Text files.


These text files can then be displayed using a ChyTV digital signage device, or any other device capable of displaying text files. A spread-sheet can be divided into ‘sheets’, and each sheet can be exported as a sepa-rate text file. In addition, the files can be automatically sent to the ChyTV de-vice from XC via built-in FTP network protocol. XC parses the spreadsheet and extracts the data into the appropriate groups. Multiple groups are shown as ‘tabs’ and can be selected and reviewed for correct data.

With DigIt XC, you can:

• Convert the spreadsheet.
• Preview the converted fields of Data.
• Generate the text files.
• Transfer the text files to the device.

A computer screen with instructions for the easy edit process.

Easy Edit

Update day to day information

Easy Edit

A way to update day to day information with a simple text entry interface.



Product ImageA way to update day to day information with a simple text entry interface.

Perfect for lobby welcome screens, conference room displays, cafeterias and a variety of other uses, Easy Edit enables sophisticated daily in-formation updates by non-graphic and non-technical employees. ChyTV pages are pre-defined with dynamic update areas and Easy Edit simply updates the appropriate text area with the new information, including the correct font, color, size, position and justification.

A screen shot of the internet browser.


The ChyTV.net Web Service


Create, Manage, and Distribute Content using any browser on the Internet.



Create, Manage, and Distribute Content using any browser on the Internet.

The ChyTV.net Web Service lets you Create, Manage, and Distribute Content using any browser anywhere on the Internet.

ChyTV.net, Digital Signage as a Web Service:

Imagine digital signage evolved from a hardware/software platform to a web service. Each display can be controlled alone or as part of a group to present play lists of content with the click of a mouse. Anywhere you can get on the web, you can manage video signage content, distribute content to any ChyTV. You can also create new pages using pre-defined templates, update existing pages on the fly, generate reports about the play-out and effective reach of the signage.

ChyTV.net is also an On-line ChyTV User Community. It's a good place to find new Video Signage content, share ideas and find that solution you have been looking for.

ChyTV.net is:

Scaleable - ChyTV.net can service all sizes of signage deployments. You can add new locations and content as needed. Create groups of ChyTV's, projects and schedules using online tools, or automated processes as needed.

Reliable - ChyTV.net is always on, always available and proven to be rock-solid. Be sure you can always access your content, your network and keep track of your reach to the viewers.

Uncomplicated - Easily used web controls with practical work-flow, makes the ChyTV.net experience both productive and fun. Simple drag and drop control of assets, playlists and data make operation of even the largest Digital Signage Network straightforward.

Universal - Since you can control your signage from anywhere with web-access, you will always be able to refine your messaging, communicate new ideas and report on the reach of your Ad campaigns when you need to.

Resourceful - There is an ever-growing library of new content for your use on ChyTV.net. The ChyTV community is always adding new creative assets, ideas and solutions to help you find just what you are looking for.

Skinnable - ChyTV.net can be presented using custom graphics and screen templates allowing you to present a branded web-application to your customers. Keep a consistent brand with a web-experience you control.

A computer screen with several images of a person.

ChyTV Dynamo

Graphic & Animation conversion utility

ChyTV Dynamo

ChyTV Dynamo is a graphic and animation conversion utility.



Product ImageChyTV Dynamo is a graphic and animation conversion utility.

ChyTV Dynamo is used to convert still and animated image files into ChyTV Logo (still) and ChyTV Flipbook (animated) image files for display on ChyTV units. Logos and Flipbooks are full color images and animations that contain an alpha channel. With alpha channel support you can display images and animations containing masks and transparency created in im-age editing applications such as Adobe Photoshop, After Effects, 3D Studio Max, Ulead Cool 3D and virtually any other graphic and animation tool. Additional fea-tures include document tools for cropping and resizing images, animation tools for viewing and adjusting individual animation frames and more.